Credentials Brute Force

MQTT protocol uses a centralized broker to communicate between entities (device, sensor, etc.). Those brokers can define a basic authentication mechanism in the form of username / password pair. MQTT-PWN provides a credential brute force module that with a given set of usernames and passwords tries to authenticate to the broker in order to find valid credentials.


In order to run the credentials brute force plugin, we are required to provide a set of usernames and passwords. A default set is already provided in the ./resources/wordlists/* directory, but external ones can be provided. Inline usernames and passwords are also supported.


To run the plugins, first make sure you are connected to broker (using the connect commands). Lets examine the help strings for this plugins:

localhost:1883 >> bruteforce --help
usage: bruteforce [-h] [-u USERNAME [USERNAME ...] | -uf USERNAMES_FILE]
                  [-p PASSWORD [PASSWORD ...] | -pf PASSWORDS_FILE]

Bruteforce credentials of the connected MQTT broker

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME [USERNAME ...], --username USERNAME [USERNAME ...]
                        the username to probe the broker with (can be more
                        than one, separated with spaces) (default: None)
  -uf USERNAMES_FILE, --usernames-file USERNAMES_FILE
                        use a usernames file instead (usernames separated with
                        a newline) (default:
  -p PASSWORD [PASSWORD ...], --password PASSWORD [PASSWORD ...]
                        the password to probe the broker with (can be more
                        than one, separated with spaces) (default: None)
  -pf PASSWORDS_FILE, --passwords-file PASSWORDS_FILE
                        use a password file instead (passwords separated with
                        a newline) (default:

As we can see, it is possible to provide usernames / passwords file or inline list. Once provided, simply hit enter and the bruteforce will start. If stopping is desired, simply hit Ctrl-C:

localhost:1883 >> bruteforce
[+] Starting brute force!
[+] Found valid credentials: root:123456
[+] Found valid credentials: root:password
[+] Found valid credentials: root:12345678
[+] Found valid credentials: root:1234
[-] Brute force has stopped...