Source code for

from cmd2 import with_argparser, with_category
import argparse
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from peewee import fn
from operator import iand
from functools import reduce

from mqtt_pwn.models.topic import Topic
from mqtt_pwn.models.message import Message
from import BaseMixin
from mqtt_pwn.utils import scan_required, export_to_csv

[docs]class TopicsMixin(BaseMixin): """Topics Mixin Class""" topics_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="List topics that were detected through discovery scans") topics_parser.add_argument('-e', '--export', help='export the search results', action="store_true") topics_parser.add_argument('-s', '--show-only-labeled', help='show only labeled topics', action="store_true") topics_parser.add_argument('-l', '--limit', help='get the first X rows', type=int) topics_parser.add_argument('-r', '--regex', help='search for a pattern in the topic name') topics_parser.add_argument('-c', '--case-sensitive', help='make the regex search case sensitive (default is case insensitive)', action="store_true")
[docs] @with_category(BaseMixin.CMD_CAT_BROKER_OP) @with_argparser(topics_parser) def do_topics(self, args): """The Topics function method""" self._handle_get_topics(args)
@scan_required def _handle_get_topics(self, args): """Handles when a user selects the topics method""" if not self._validate_topics_parser_args(args): return topics = self._get_topics(args) if args.export: export_to_csv(headers=['id', 'topic', 'label'], data=[t.to_dict() for t in topics]) self.print_info(f'Wrote {len(topics)} {"line" if len(topics) == 1 else "lines"} to "results.csv".') else: self._create_topics_table(topics) def _validate_topics_parser_args(self, args): """Checks whether the arguments are valid""" is_valid = True if args.regex: if '(?i)' in args.regex or '(i?)' in args.regex: self.print_error('Please refrain from using case modifiers in the regex, instead use "-c".') is_valid = False if args.limit: if args.limit < 0: self.print_error('Please select a limit greater than zero.') is_valid = False return is_valid def _get_topics(self, args): """Gets the topics from the database""" self.print_ok('Fetching data..') conditions = [Message.scan == self.current_scan] if args.show_only_labeled: conditions.append(Topic.not_empty_label()) if args.regex: if args.case_sensitive: conditions.append( else: conditions.append(fn.lower( return self._generic_fetch_topics( reduce(iand, conditions), limit=args.limit ) def _generic_fetch_topics(self, conditions, limit=None): """Fetches the topics from the database""" return Topic \ .select() \ .join(Message) \ .distinct() \ .where(conditions) \ .limit(limit) def _create_topics_table(self, topics): """Creates a table for the topics to show to the user""" topics_table = PrettyTable(field_names=[ 'ID', 'Topic', 'Label' ]) topics_table.align['Topic'] = "l" if not topics_table: self.print_info('No topics') return for topic in topics: topics_table.add_row(topic.to_list()) self.ppaged(msg=str(topics_table))