Source code for

from cmd2 import Cmd, categorize
from blessings import Terminal

from mqtt_pwn.utils import get_prompt, banner
from mqtt_pwn import config

[docs]class BaseMixin(Cmd): """The Mqtt-Pwn Base Command Line Interface Mixin""" prompt = '>> ' ruler = '-' intro = banner() CMD_CAT_BROKER_OP = 'Broker Related Operations' CMD_CAT_VICTIM_OP = 'Victim Related Operations' CMD_CAT_GENERAL = 'General Commands' variables_choices = ['victim', 'scan'] def __init__(self): """The class initializer""" Cmd.__init__(self, startup_script=config.STARTUP_SCRIPT) self.aliases.update({'exit': 'quit'}) self.hidden_commands.extend(['load', 'pyscript', 'set', 'shortcuts', 'alias', 'unalias', 'py']) self.current_victim = None self.mqtt_client = None self.current_scan = None self.t = Terminal() self.base_prompt = get_prompt(self) self.prompt = self.base_prompt categorize(( BaseMixin.do_edit, BaseMixin.do_help, BaseMixin.do_history, BaseMixin.do_quit, BaseMixin.do_shell, ), BaseMixin.CMD_CAT_GENERAL)
[docs] def print_error(self, text, end='\n', start=''): """Prints an error message with colors""" self.poutput(start + self.t.bold_red('[-]') + ' ' +, end=end)
[docs] def print_info(self, text, end='\n', start=''): """Prints an information message with colors""" self.poutput(start + self.t.bold_yellow('[!]') + ' ' + self.t.yellow(text), end=end)
[docs] def print_ok(self, text, end='\n', start=''): """Prints a successful message with colors""" self.poutput(start + self.t.bold_green('[+]') + ' ' +, end=end)
[docs] def print_pairs(self, title, body): """Prints a message that contains pairs for data""" self.poutput(self.t.bold_white_underline(title)) for key, value in body.items(): k = key + ':' self.poutput(f' - {self.t.bold(k)} {value}')
[docs] def update_prompt(self): """Updates the command prompt""" self.prompt = get_prompt(self)
[docs]class BaseCLI: pass