Source code for mqtt_pwn.models.victim

from peewee import CharField, DateTimeField

from mqtt_pwn import utils
from .base import BaseModel

[docs]class Victim(BaseModel): """A model that describes a victim""" uuid = CharField(unique=True) os = CharField() hostname = CharField() first_seen = DateTimeField() last_seen = DateTimeField(
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_dict(cls, d): """Created a new instance from a dict""" v = cls.create( uuid=d.get('uuid'), os=d.get('os'), hostname=d.get('hostname'), first_seen=d.get('ts') ) return v
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def to_list(self): """Formats the current instance to a list""" return [, self.uuid, self.os, self.hostname, self.first_seen, self.last_seen ]
def __repr__(self): """A proper representation of the class instance""" return f'Victim [' \ f'uuid={self.uuid}, ' \ f'os={self.os}, ' \ f'hostname={self.hostname}' \ f'first_seen={self.first_seen}, ' \ f'last_seen={self.first_seen}' \ f']'