Source code for mqtt_pwn.database

import os
from peewee import PostgresqlDatabase, SqliteDatabase, ProgrammingError

from mqtt_pwn.models import database_proxy
from mqtt_pwn.models.victim import Victim
from mqtt_pwn.models.command import Command
from mqtt_pwn.models.topic import Topic
from mqtt_pwn.models.message import Message
from mqtt_pwn.models.scan import Scan
from mqtt_pwn import config

_all_tables = [Victim, Command, Topic, Message, Scan]

[docs]def create_db_connection(): """ Creates a database connection with the postgres db""" is_test_env = os.getenv('MQTT_PWN_TESTING_ENV') if is_test_env: db = SqliteDatabase(':memory:') else: db = PostgresqlDatabase( config.DB_NAME, user=config.DB_USER, password=config.DB_PASSWORD, host=config.DB_HOST, port=config.DB_PORT ) database_proxy.initialize(db) return db
[docs]def create_tables(db, tables): """ Creates the given tables """ try: db.create_tables(tables) except ProgrammingError: pass
[docs]def create_all_tables(db): """ Creates all the tables """ create_tables(db, _all_tables)
[docs]def truncate_all_tables(db): """ Truncates all database tables """ db.drop_tables(_all_tables) create_tables(db, _all_tables)